Class CylinderNoiseGenerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
NoiseGenerator, NoiseSource

@NullMarked public final class CylinderNoiseGenerator extends Object implements NoiseGenerator
A noise generator that returns a concentric cylinders (centered on the origin) extending infinitely. Returns 1.0 when on a cylinder side, and 0.0 when perfectly between two cylinders. Please note the cylinders top and bottom (infinite) are facing the last specified axis. E.g. for 3D, the cylinder is lying on it's side on the x-y plane (you see concentric circles), it's top/bottom is facing the z-axis. Hence the x-z plane will be the cylinders on their sides.
  • Method Details

    • evaluateNoise

      public double evaluateNoise(double x)
      Description copied from interface: NoiseSource
      Evaluates noise at a 1D point.
      Specified by:
      evaluateNoise in interface NoiseSource
      x - X-Coordinate of the 1D point.
      noise value at the 1D point.
    • evaluateNoise

      public double evaluateNoise(double x, double y)
      Description copied from interface: NoiseSource
      Evaluates noise at a 2D point.
      Specified by:
      evaluateNoise in interface NoiseSource
      x - X-Coordinate of the 2D point.
      y - Y-Coordinate of the 2D point.
      noise value at the 2D point.
    • evaluateNoise

      public double evaluateNoise(double x, double y, double z)
      Description copied from interface: NoiseSource
      Evaluates noise at a 3D point.
      Specified by:
      evaluateNoise in interface NoiseSource
      x - X-Coordinate of the 3D point.
      y - Y-Coordinate of the 3D point.
      z - Z-Coordinate of the 3D point.
      noise value at the 3D point.
    • evaluateNoise

      public double evaluateNoise(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Description copied from interface: NoiseSource
      Evaluates noise at a 4D point.
      Specified by:
      evaluateNoise in interface NoiseSource
      x - X-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      y - Y-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      z - Z-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      w - W-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      noise value at the 4D point.
    • newBuilder

      public static CylinderNoiseGenerator.CylinderNoiseBuilder newBuilder()