Interface SeededExplicitNoiseGenerator<NR extends NoiseResult>

Type Parameters:
NR - NoiseResult class
All Superinterfaces:
ExplicitNoiseGenerator<NR>, ExplicitNoiseSource<NR>, NoiseGenerator, NoiseSource, SeededNoiseGenerator
All Known Implementing Classes:

@NullMarked public interface SeededExplicitNoiseGenerator<NR extends NoiseResult> extends ExplicitNoiseGenerator<NR>, SeededNoiseGenerator
Interface that denotes a SeededNoiseGenerator, which can additionally evaluate a NoiseResult at a location.
  • Method Details

    • evaluateNoiseResult

      NR evaluateNoiseResult(double x, long seed)
      Evaluates noise at a 1D point.
      x - X-Coordinate of the 1D point.
      seed - seed for the SeededNoiseGenerator to use.
      SeededExplicitNoiseGenerator denoting the noise value at the 1D point.
    • evaluateNoiseResult

      NR evaluateNoiseResult(double x, double y, long seed)
      Evaluates noise at a 2D point.
      x - X-Coordinate of the 2D point.
      y - Y-Coordinate of the 2D point.
      seed - seed for the SeededNoiseGenerator to use.
      SeededExplicitNoiseGenerator denoting the noise value at the 2D point.
    • evaluateNoiseResult

      NR evaluateNoiseResult(double x, double y, double z, long seed)
      Evaluates noise at a 3D point.
      x - X-Coordinate of the 3D point.
      y - Y-Coordinate of the 3D point.
      z - Z-Coordinate of the 3D point.
      seed - seed for the SeededNoiseGenerator to use.
      SeededExplicitNoiseGenerator denoting the noise value at the 3D point.
    • evaluateNoiseResult

      NR evaluateNoiseResult(double x, double y, double z, double w, long seed)
      Evaluates noise at a 4D point.
      x - X-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      y - Y-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      z - Z-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      w - W-Coordinate of the 4D point.
      seed - seed for the SeededNoiseGenerator to use.
      SeededExplicitNoiseGenerator denoting the noise value at the 4D point.